With both of our boats safely tied up in their slips, we did what all seasoned boaters do and had a celebratory adult beverage! Then we headed to the show.
Lisa was feeling a bit under the weather, so she wanted to look at a large catamaran and then hit the vendors to see if we could forge any partnerships. After that she was going to rest in the restaurant while I hit the docks and looked for sales leads. Since our friends had a different agenda, we decided that we would split up and get back together for dinner.
As we walked through the vendor section we met several connections that indicated a desire to partner up with us! Some were interested in becoming distributors and several just wanted to cross sponsor each other on our websites. I realized that in the future I would need business cards and a pamphlet for events where we didn’t have a booth to sell the SeaClutch! What an oversight!
After hitting the vendors, Lisa went to rest a bit and I hit the docks. I spoke with many boat salespeople and there seems to be a high interested in “branded” versions of the SeaClutch! That would be great! I made a note to myself that I needed to develop a PowerPoint that captures group and custom pricing.
With the sales portion of the day done, I started towards Lisa and ran into my daughter, her fiancée and several of their friends! We all sat down together and had a couple of drinks, then we met up with our friends and found a great restaurant for dinner! It was a great day!
Next – back to the UPC Code!