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  • Writer's pictureBill Holmes

An amazing day!

Boat, yacht, RV, Picture frame, SeaClutch
A beautiful evening at Great Oak Lodge!

My friend and I went to the Ship's Store to talk to the management team about stocking the SeaClutch. While we had been having these discussions with people in the past, this was the first time I would be doing it with a sample of the actual product in hand!

What if they didn't like it?

The store was very nice and had a variety of things that boaters would be in need of, primarily adult beverages, ice and snacks! I introduced myself, however the store was being staffed by weekend staff and they didn't really have authority to make any purchase decisions. They said that there should be someone in tomorrow, so we said we would come back.

We went back to the boat and Lisa made some delicious cheese quesadilla's for lunch!

With the sales call out of the way, we went to the beach. The weather was fantastic, the drinks were cold and the company was great!


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